Hey you,
I’m talking to you.
A person who can read between the headlines.
A person who knows our two-party system is a criminal cartel.
A person who knows that we can’t rely on the government and the virtue signaling of corporations to protect us.
A person that knows that there is no freedom without financial independence, the ability to move, and the willingness to engage, overcome, and adapt to win against all odds.
A person who doesn’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk.
I’ve been warning people since 2017 that the dark relationship between big government and big tech would create a world where the sliding scale of “radical” and “fringe” talk would go from the farthest edges of our society to eventually everyday, rational people.
Now we’re seeing this internet purge on a massive scale. I always felt I’d be prepared for this day, but as we look at it now I will tell you- it terrifies me.
The ability to support each other’s projects, businesses, even just building a community of understanding, means more now than ever before.
Liberal, libertarian, conservative, independent, it’s now the system of monopolized power and violence vs the rest of us.
I don’t care where you’re from, who you are, or who you voted for. If you believe in peace, tolerance, individualism, and free markets, you will always have a friend and ally with me.
I’ve worked for the political class. I’ve been inside of political advocacy groups and non-profits. I’ve attended high-level meetings in the media and tech sector. I’d like to think I’ve been 9/10 times accurate about my objective diagnoses of what is truly going on in Silicon Valley and the beltway machine.
I didn’t let you down when things were bad in the past, and I won’t let you down now when free expression, thought, and voices matter most.
Live long and live free, we’ll be in touch.
Check out my past blogs to prepare for what’s ahead:
-I link to my articles and interviews involving Google’s relationship with China and more
-Episodes involving the strategies and mindset to stay free in an unfree world
-Where do I get my news from so I have a 360-degree view of the landscape?
-The intentional refusal of banking services is the next phase of the Cancel Culture era
Learn more and let’s connect!
On The Run w/ Remso W. Martinez
The Second Print Comics Podcast
Stay Away From the Libertarians!
How to Succeed in Politics (and Other Forms of Devil Worship)
Social Media
Fun watching you on Ben Stein
Thank you. I look forward to your newsletter. 🇺🇸